Racism & Discrimination within the LGBTQ Community

lawanna gelzer
Lawanna Gelzer, Central FL Chapter President, National Action Network (NAN)

Orlando, Florida – The National Action Network Central Florida Chapter, a civil rights organization, has mobilized with the Orlando Oasis Community Outreach Center, AAA Alliance and Women of Color Leadership Coalition to hold a community forum regarding racism in the LGBTQ community.  The purpose of the forum is to have open and honest dialogue about Racism & Discrimination within the LGBTQ Community that affects African-Americans as well as other communities of color.

Many ethnic minority LGBTQ individuals find themselves in a double minority, in which they are neither fully accepted nor understood by mainly white or middle-to-upper class LGBTQ communities, nor are they accepted by their own ethnic group. Many experience racism in the dominant LGBTQ establishment community where racial stereotypes merge with gender stereotypes.

This event will also serve as an open discussion for the Black LGBTQ Community to “Speak Up and Speak Out for Justice and Equality.” The forum is for all LGBTQ affected directly and indirectly by the Pulse Tragedy locally.

Also, the forum will highlight untold stories of how the Pulse Tragedy affected the Black Community.

WHAT:         Racism & Discrimination within the LGBTQ Community
DATE:          Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 6:30PM
WHERE:       Orlando Oasis Community Outreach – 3404 N. OBT (32804)