Right-Wing Media’s Favorite Tale of ‘Immigrant Rape’ Evaporates


The Maryland case was widely promoted by Carlson, Fox, and other right-wing pundits, but now that the charges have been dismissed as groundless, they have all become silent.  One can almost hear the crickets chirping.  Not so long ago, though, they were all mighty certain that the young immigrants were guilty of rape.  Guilty until proven innocent.

This is the hysteria generated by the news (?) reports.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPQMEgHsT60” width=”500″ height=”300″]

Notice the number of times the speakers conclude that the two suspects are guilty simply because a young white female accused them of raping her.

Well, the case against the two men evaporated.  Late last week, prosecutors announced they were dismissing all charges in the case.

“The facts of this case do not support the original charges filed,” said Montgomery County State’s Attorney John McCarthy.

Thank God for an injection of sanity into the process. A required familiarity with the truth is a mighty welcome sight on the road to justice.

Read the story at Hatewatch.