OPIOIDS AND ADDICTION: A Governors Roundtable on State Approaches to Treatment

opioid roundtable
Roundtable, The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Image: iStock: Moussa81

Presented jointly with Reuters

The Andelot Series on Current Science Controversies

Thursday, April 12, 2018
Noon-1pm ET
Watch the live webcast at ForumHSPH.org. Registration to watch the event online is not required.

We also will stream live on Facebook https://forumhsph.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f8a137738829c6bc0949508a6&id=14a3814e34&e=d3174b8b2c

An on-demand video will be posted afterwards on the event website. A searchable transcript will be posted there a few days after the event.
President Trump recently described a plan to tackle the opioid abuse crisis that includes tougher sentencing on dealers and expanding access to treatment. The President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis cites the need to move ahead quickly with treatment alternatives for those addicted to opioids. Yet, recent public surveys show that Americans are confused about opioid-treatment programs, with only about half believing there is an effective, long-term addiction treatment. There are programs offered for the treatment of opioid addiction, including medicated–assisted treatment, drug rehabilitation programs, addiction support groups, and counseling. This Forum — featuring the unique perspectives of former governors and the 21st United States Secretary of Health and Human Services — will examine the state government’s role in current and future approaches to treatment. These approaches may include educating the public about these alternatives, paying for them, regulating their performance and availability, training and certifying health professionals in their use, and developing guidelines for certification of these treatments. This is the second in a series of Governors Roundtables.


Steven Beshear, Former Governor of Kentucky
Jim Douglas, Former Governor of Vermont
Jack Markell, Former Governor of Delaware
Ted Strickland, Former Governor of Ohio
Kathleen Sebelius, Former Governor of Kansas and the 21st United States Secretary of Health and Human Services


Scott Malone, Boston Bureau Chief, Reuters

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We’ll be conducting a live chat on The Forum’s Opioids and Addiction website.
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